Friday, January 07, 2011

Hot Shots in Photography: David S. Allee

David's new works are being shown at Morgan Lehman Gallery in an exhibition called "Dark Day" and are breathtakingly beautiful.  

He shoots these images with shutter speeds of up to 1/10,000th of a second, right into the brightest part of a reflection of the sun; the kind of bright reflection you couldn't look at with the naked eye and which would blow out a regular photograph with the light.  At this shutter speed (the train was moving at full speed on an elevated track!) the details within the reflection are captured, but there's no time to catch the less bright light around it and so stays dark.  Each is named for the time it was taken (the subway train is "4:02PM").  When viewing David's works keep in mind your eyes, the optics--how we perceive images and objects in light. The images below would not be able to be seen at the time each object was shot, but through the lens we are able to capture moments unseen. 

Amazing and so beautiful.  Enjoy!

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